About us

Pioneering Adaptability with the
PAQ Survey

Discover the story behind the Personal Adaptive Quotient (PAQ), a groundbreaking tool designed to unlock professional potential through enhanced adaptability. Our mission is to empower professionals and teams to navigate and thrive in dynamic environments, fostering growth and success with a unique focus on adaptability.

PAQ Survey Radar

Our core Philosophies

The guiding philosophies of the PAQ survey are centered on empowering individuals with adaptability, leveraging evidence-based insights for tangible growth, and upholding ethical leadership in all aspects of decision-making.

  • Empowering Through Adaptability

    At the core of PAQ lies the belief that adaptability is not just a skill but a fundamental aspect of professional growth and success. Empowering individuals and teams to navigate and thrive in changing environments is paramount. This philosophy drives the PAQ's aim to measure and enhance one's ability to adapt, reflecting a commitment to fostering resilience and flexibility in the face of challenges.

  • Evidence-Based Insights for Real-World Impact

    Grounded in the rigorous academic research and practical experience of its founder, the PAQ survey is committed to offering insights that are not only scientifically valid but also highly applicable in professional settings. This approach ensures that the tool provides actionable guidance, helping users make informed decisions that lead to tangible improvements in their work and personal lives.

  • Ethical Leadership and Decision-Making

    Reflecting its creator's background in ethical leadership, the PAQ champions the integration of ethical considerations into adaptability training and assessment. Recognizing the complex interplay between adaptability, ethical decision-making, and leadership, the PAQ encourages users to navigate professional challenges with integrity, promoting a culture of ethical responsiveness and responsible leadership.

Guiding Principles

The Expertise Behind PAQ

Led by Professor Bob Wood, whose renowned work in Behavioural Decision Theory has set new benchmarks in adaptability research, the PAQ survey emerges from a blend of academic excellence and real-world impact, aiming to elevate professional and personal growth.

Driving the PAQ Survey

Professor Bob, celebrated for his work in Behavioural Decision Theory, has been pivotal in creating the PAQ survey, leveraging his accolades, such as the Jay Wright Forrester Award, to innovate professional growth tools.

From Research to Real-World Impact

Bob's tenure includes founding the Centre for Ethical Leadership and developing applications like Active Memory, showcasing his ability to transform academic insights into practical solutions for enhancing adaptability.

Expertise That Informs Excellence

Grounded in social cognitive theory, Bob's extensive research on adaptability and leadership forms the bedrock of the PAQ survey, ensuring it offers profound insights for personal and professional development.

Bob Wood

Our values

Our core values of innovation, integrity, and empowerment guide our mission to revolutionize professional development, ensuring every interaction is rooted in pioneering spirit, ethical practices, and a deep commitment to fostering growth and adaptability in the professional world.

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    We champion innovation by pioneering unique tools like the PAQ survey to revolutionize professional development and adaptability.

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    Integrity is our cornerstone, ensuring honesty, transparency, and ethical practices in every aspect of our work.

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    Empowerment drives us to equip professionals and teams with the insights and tools necessary for achieving unparalleled growth and adaptability.


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